[New title]Harris 2023

[New quote]“Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass…It's about learning to dance in the rain.”

— Vivian Greene —

  • I already mentioned my passionate fondness for the Scottish landscape in my intro remarks under Coastal Craglands. Also, having grown up by the Baltic Sea, I have always felt a very strong bond with the sea. The clean, salty smell, the sound of the waves and the reassuring screeches of the omnipresent roguish gulls all catapult me right back to my childhood. A very comfortable, comforting feeling.

    I have visited various Scottish islands over time and can truthfully say that I love all of them. Unfortunately, some of those visits happened before I fully discovered photography as a passion, so there is little to no photographic evidence to support my, perhaps idealized, memories of Islay, Hoy or Unst.

    Anyway, one island I had visited briefly in 1995 and managed to return to in 2022 is the beautiful Isle of Harris. Very popular with landscape photographers, Harris boasts beautiful beaches and picturesque rock formations and looks absolutely stunning in all kinds of conditions. I will definitely be back…


Otherworldly Wasteland


[New title]Arctic Norway