A Glimpse into my Soul …

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”

— Ansel Adams —

  • In fact, I believe he has a very crucial point here. While this may not be entirely true for any spur-of-the-moment snapshots, all truly deliberate photographs that we make (rather than take) will always contain a piece of what makes us, well, “unique.” Even if, for the sake of argument, we allow the highly debatable premise that landscape photography involves less of a creative element than, say, painting, we could still drop off two photographers at the same location in identical conditions, and they would come back with completely different images.

    While this may be partly due to their technical abilities, experience as photographers and their gear, I would argue that a lot of what makes them choose a particular composition or look is influenced by factors far beyond the realm of photography. Why do we feel drawn to certain types of art and not others? Why do we choose to express ourselves in certain ways? What makes our taste in what we perceive as beautiful change or evolve over time? Or does it? I’m not sure I have answers to all or any of these questions, but I like to think that we are all complex beings, and the way we choose to express ourselves artistically is deeply rooted in who and where we are emotionally at a given time in our lives.

    I do not think it is a coincidence that some of the photographers whose work I profoundly respect are also passionate about other art forms such as music or cinematography. What I’m trying to say is that, in my view, all existing (and future) art forms are just various dimensions of human expression, and we, as both creators and consumers of art, just respond to some forms more strongly than to others.

    However small or large our audience may be, art is a means of expressing who we are, and, in my opinion, landscape photography is as good a medium for that as any other…

    With that in mind, I’m inviting you to take a peek into my emotional world. All of the images in this gallery have a special place in my heart. They take me back to where and when I took them and help me recreate the mood of the moment. You will obviously see them from a different perspective, but I hope you will still be able to connect with some of them.